National University – NU Grading System Calculation in GPA
National University – NU Grading System Calculation in GPA! A huge students study under National University to complete their graduate. So, it is very important to know all the NU Students about the National University Grading System. If you want to know more about the National University GPA Grading System details information, just follow the below content very carefully.
GPA Full Meaning – Grade Point Average and CGPA Full Meaning – Cumulative Grade Point Average. At now, the National University authority published all kinds of result at the new GPA system. In previous the NU authority published result Division/Class System. As example, 1st Class or 1st Division.
The main important question of all the NU under Students, how to Calculate GPA in National University Grading System? If you one of them, no tension. At First, the National University authority transforms your number to Numerical Grade, then Letter Grade and Finally make it Grade Point. In the below content, we will talk about the details information NU GPA Grading Calculation System.
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National University – NU Grading System Calculation in GPA:
- 80% or above A+ (Plus) 4.00
- 75% to less than 80% A (Plain) 3.75
- 70% to less than 75% A- (Minus) 3.50
- 65% to less than 70% B+ (Plus) 3.25
- 60% to less than 65% B (Plain) 3.00
- 55% to less than 60% B- (Minus) 2.75
- 50% to less than 55% C+ (Plus) 2.50
- 45% to less than 50% C (Plain) 2.25
- 40% to less than 45% D (Plain) 2.00
- <40% (less than 40%) F (Fail) 0.00
Every student has to Attend Exam for All Course Subject, Practical and Viva Exam. Passed Mark 40% or D Grade or GP-2.
National University Grade point average Making System:
To Prepared GPA & CGPA, Grade Point Will be Multiple to Course Credit Number. This System for every Year. All Year Grade Point Total Will Multiple with Credit For Get Final GPA.
See an Example For Making GPA
GPA= ∑PS (Total Point Secured in a Year) ÷ ∑CR (Total Credits Offered in a Year)
” = 64.00 ÷ 26 = 2.46
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