How to Say Happy Valentines Day in Spanish 2024 [Best Ways]! Knowing what to say during the Valentine’s Day is a very important thing to learn in any language. So, adding different ways to say ‘Happy Valentines Day’ in Spanish to your vocabulary will be key, as this is one of those holidays that everyone celebrates.
How do you say Valentine’s Day in Spanish? In Spanish, Valentine’s Day can be called in three different ways. Of course, the direct translation is el Día de San Valentín, but it is also called el Día de los Enamorados. This basically means the day of those who are in love. And last but not least, el Día del Amor y la Amistad, which means the day of love and friendship.

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How to Say Happy Valentines Day in Spanish 2024 [Best Ways]
Depending on the region, you can use the following expressions to wish someone a happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish:
- ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!
(Happy Valentine’s Day!)
- ¡Feliz Día del Amor y la Amistad!
(literally, Happy Love and Friendship Day!)
- ¡Feliz Día de los Enamorados!
(literally, Happy Lovers Day!)
- ¡Feliz Día del Cariño!
(literally, Happy Affection Day!)
Common Valentine’s Day Phrases
El Día de San Valentín (Valentine’s Day) is celebrated in many Spanish-speaking countries as a day to express affection for friends and lovers alike. Here is a list of some typical expressions you might hear on this special day:
mi amor
my love | Buenas noches, mi amor. Que duermas bien. | Good night, my love. Sweet dreams. |
te amo
I love you (for serious relationships and immediate family) | Te amo con todo mi corazón. | I love you with all my heart. |
te quiero
I love you | ¡Te quiero, amorcito! Eres el mejor novio del mundo. | I love you, sweetheart! You’re the best boyfriend in the world. |
enamorarse de alguien
to fall in love with someone | Nunca pensaba que esto sería posible, pero me he enamorado de ti. | I never thought this would be possible, but I have fallen in love with you. |
encapricharse con alguien
to have a crush on someone | Me encapricho con Julio, pero no puedo hacer nada porque tiene novia. | I have a crush on Julio, but I can’t do anything because he has a girlfriend. |
me vuelves loco(a)
you drive me crazy | Me vuelves loca cuando llevas ese vestido rojo. | You drive me crazy when you wear that red dress. |
kiss me | Cállate y bésame ahorita. | Shut up and kiss me right now. |
ramo de rosas rojas
bouquet of red roses | Tengo que comprar un ramo de rosas rojas para mi novia. | I have to buy a bouquet of red roses for my girlfriend. |
admirador(a) secreto(a)
secret admirer | ¿Tienes un admirador secreto? Esta es la tercera vez que has recibido flores esta semana. | Do you have a secret admirer? This is the third time you’ve received flowers this week. |
Spanish Phrases for Love
Siempre estás en mi corazón.
You are always in my heart.
Eres el Amor de Mi Vida.
You are the love of my life.
Eres mi todo.
You are my everything.