
Technical School and College List, Address, Institute Head Contact Number

Technical School and College List, Address, Institute Head Contact Number! Hello Dear, welcome to Bangladesh Technical School and College Name, Institute Code, Helpline Number, List, Address Content. There are totals 64 Technical School and College available in Bangladesh under the Directorate of Technical Education Board.

Are you searching Technical School, College & Institute Code, Address, Hotline Number, Complete List? If your answer is yes, this is the right place for you. In this content, we will give a full details information about the Technical School and College. So, staying with us and follow the below content.

Technical School and College Name, Institute Code, Institute Head Mobile Number

Technical School and College Name, Institute Code, Institute Head Mobile Number:

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Institute Name  Institute Code  Institute Type  Institute Head  Head Type  Phone No  Mobile No  E-mail 
Bagerhat Technical School and College 36021 TSC Shiekh Moniruzzaman Principal 0468-62531 01718026639 [email protected]
Bancharampur Technical school and College 64013 TSC Sk. Md. Ruhul Amin In-Charge 08523-5623 01914446135 [email protected]
Bandarban Technical School and College 73002 TSC Md. Abdul Majid Principal 0361-62791 01558344124 [email protected]
Barguna Technical School & College 38018 TSC Abul Khayer Mohammad Bahauddin In-Charge 0448-62178 01818549740 [email protected]
Barisal Technical School and College 42029 TSC S.M. Toriqul Islam Principal 0431-63702 01777451459 [email protected]
Begumganj Technical School And College 68018 TSC Utpal Kumar Bhuiya In-Charge 0321-51470 01715678143 [email protected]
Bhairab Technical School & College 59019 TSC Samir Karmaker Principal 02-9470136 01749172781 [email protected]
Bhola Technical School & College 40019 TSC Sreebash Chandra Dey In-Charge 0491-61417 017126878855 [email protected]
Brahmanbaria Technical School And College 64012 TSC Muhammad Solaiman Principal 0851-58284 01558308891 [email protected]
Chandpur Technical School and College 66021 TSC Md. Sirajul Islam Principal 0841-65098 01552479142 [email protected]
Chapai Nawabganj Technical School and College 22018 TSC Md. Arzad Ali Principal 0781-51146 01552347363 [email protected]
Chatak Technical School and College 60004 TSC Mohammed Jamiul Akhter khondaker In-Charge 08723-56397 01814742771 [email protected]
Chuadanga Technical School and College 29006 TSC Md. Mashrekul Islam Principal 0761-62514 01711988558 [email protected]
Cox’sbazar Technical School and College 74004 TSC Jyoti Kar Khisa In-Charge 0341-63755 01555011878 [email protected]
Dewangonj Technical School & College 55035 TSC M. A Kamal Zamadder Principal 01710835772 [email protected]
Dinajpur Technical School and College 13046 TSC Md. Solaiman Principal 0531-51061 01552672285 [email protected]
Feni Technical School & College 69014 TSC MD. Abdul Awal Principal 0331-63071 01717218002 [email protected]
Gaibandha Technical School and College 18033 TSC Md. Jobaidur Rahman Principal 0541-61653 01732030718 [email protected]
Gazipur Technical School and College 53018 TSC Md. Akheruzzaman Principal 02-9292311 01911916578; 01552452536 [email protected]
Gopalganj Technical School and College 45007 TSC Md. Mizanur Rahman Principal 02668-5423 01711107696 [email protected]
Gouripur Technical School and College 57036 TSC Md. Abdul Matin Principal 09024-56030 01711163065 [email protected]
Habiganj Technical School & College 63005 TSC Habibur Rahman Principal 0831-54465 01554314268 [email protected]
Hosenabad Technical School and College 27021 TSC Engr. Md. Abdul Magid In-Charge 07023-75241 01933900933, 01772161713 [email protected]
Jamalpur Technical School and College 55034 TSC Md. Abul Kalam Azad Principal 0981-63454 01715135665 [email protected]
Jessore Technical School and College 33032 TSC Syed Abdul Aziz Principal 0421-68150 01558301680 [email protected]
Jhalakathi Technical School And College 41017 TSC Md. Abdul Jabbar Principal 0498-63088 01715150037 [email protected]
Jhenaidah Technical School And College 30014 TSC Md. Khalilur Rahman Principal 0451-62144 01716610775 [email protected]
Joypara Technical School & Collage 50038 TSC Haripada Chandra Paul Principal 02-7768156 01711338351 [email protected]
Joypurhat Technical School and College 19025 TSC Md. Sariful Islam Principal 0571-62230 01715587397 [email protected]
Khagrachari Technical School and College 71004 TSC Md. Nurul Hakim Principal 0371-61624 01556538883 [email protected]
Kishoreganj Technical School and College 59018 TSC AKM Rafiqul Amin Principal 0941-62314 01747150084 [email protected]
Kurigram Technical School and College 17027 TSC Engr. Md. Zamider Rahman Principal 0581-61589 01715016707 [email protected]
Kushtia Technical School and College 27022 TSC Md. Rezaul Haque Principal 071-71065 01712643701 [email protected]; [email protected]
Lalmonirhat Technical School and College 15016 TSC Md. Nazrul Islam Principal 0591-61516 01552499347 [email protected]
Laxmipur Technical School And College 67008 TSC Kafil Uddin Ahmed Principal 0381-61022 01552426710 [email protected]
Madaripur Technical School & College 44012 TSC Md. Mohasin Sarder In-Charge 0661-61596 01788447776 [email protected]
Magura Technical School & College 31014 TSC Md. Ayub Ali Principal 0488-63619 01731903805 [email protected]
Maijdee Technical Scool and College 68019 TSC Md. Humaun Kabir In-Charge 0321-61560 01711313960 [email protected]
Manikganj Technical School and College 48012 TSC Principal 02-7710357 [email protected]
Meherpur Technical School & College 28006 TSC Md. Siddiqur Rahman Principal 0791-62328 01711578235 [email protected]
Moulvibazar Technical School and College 62007 TSC Kazi Masbahul Islam Principal 0861-63062 01716338848 [email protected]
Munshiganj Technical School & College 49012 TSC Md. Monirul Islam Chowdhury Principal 02-7612223 01913386885 [email protected]
Naogaon Technical School and College 21035 TSC Md. Ramzan Ali Principal 0741-61754 01755699850 [email protected]
Narail Technical School and College 32011 TSC Md. Sanowar Hossain Principal 0481-62179 01712242437 [email protected]
Narayanganj Technical School and College 51012 TSC Md. Rashid Al Mamun Mridha Principal 02-7634639 01552496193 [email protected]
Narsingdi Technical School &College 52014 TSC Md. Mahbub Haider Principal 02-9448386 01711228375 [email protected]
Natore Technical School & College 24062 TSC Mollah Md. Kalim Uddin Principal 0771-66489 01718241045 [email protected]
Netrokona Technical School And College 58008 TSC Md. Samsur Rahman In-Charge 95161443 01712644024 [email protected]
Nilphamari Technical School and College 14020 TSC A.K.M Mostafizur Rahman In-Charge 0551-61473 01712212440 [email protected]
Pabna Technical School and College 26031 TSC Md. Hafizur Rahman Principal 0731-66167 01712247418 [email protected]
Panchagarh Technical School and College 11010 TSC Md. Abdul Quddus In-Charge 0568-61921 01711006866 [email protected]
Parbatipur Technical School and College 13045 TSC Md. Ahsan Habib In-Charge 05334-74345 01716509460 [email protected]; [email protected]
Patuakhali Technical School and College 39030 TSC Md. Suffier Rahaman In-Charge 0441-64064 01712751391 [email protected]
Pirojpur Technical School and College 37021 TSC Md. Fayejul Bari Principal 0461-62821 01552496245 [email protected]
Rajbari Technical School And College 47010 TSC Nur Uddin Ahmed Principal 0641-65236 01712161534 [email protected]
Rangpur Technical School And College 16031 TSC Arabinda Kumar Bordhan Principal 0521-64652 01816465881 [email protected]
Satkhira Technical School and College 34024 TSC Md. Ziaul Haque Principal 0471-62366 01558312764 [email protected]
Shariatpur Technical School & College 43009 TSC Md. Abdur Rouf In-Charge 0601-61386 01558304757 [email protected]
Sherpur Technical School and College 56011 TSC Md. Abul Hashem Principal 0931-61929 01558303104 [email protected]
Sirajganj Technical School and College 25039 TSC Md. Afzal Hossain Principal 0751-62129 01715081601 [email protected]; [email protected]
Sunamganj Technical School and College 60003 TSC Md. Azizul Sikder In-Charge 0871-63549 01712077846 [email protected]
Sylhet Technical School And College 61008 TSC Md. Saidur Rahman Principal 0821-715571 01716683457 [email protected]
Tangail Technical School and College 54029 TSC Md. Moniruzzaman Principal 0921-51666 01733157699 [email protected]
Thakurgaon Technical School & College 12024 TSC Md. Bazlur Rahman In-Charge 0561-61904 01718084192 [email protected]

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