
10 Tools That Can Help A Child With Autism

Parenting or caring for a child on the autistic spectrum often requires a tailored approach in order to support their specific needs. However, you can try several tools to help a child with autism. Finding the perfect tools can make a significant difference in helping children with autism thrive in their daily lives.

10 Tools That Can Help A Child With Autism

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1. A Visual Schedule

A visual schedule can work wonders, as it provides clear structure and predictability. It gives children with autism the power to understand and anticipate daily routines or changes to routines. Whether it’s picture-based or a written list, visual schedules can reduce anxiety and help children face the day with confidence.

2. Communication Apps

Communication apps can be a game changer for children who are nonverbal or who use limited verbal communication. These apps offer an alternative way to communicate, allowing children to express themselves effectively.

3. Sensory Toys

For many children with autism, sensory toys can be a helpful aid. Items such as fidget spinners, sensory balls, or weighted blankets can help children to self-soothe.

4. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

For some children with autism, loud noises or crowded environments can feel incredibly overwhelming. Noise-cancelling headphones can help to block out excessive stimuli. This decreases the chance of a sensory overload.

5. Social Stories & Narratives

Social stories tend to be short and informative narratives that are intended to help children with autism understand specific social situations and appropriate behaviors. This can be a great tool to use for specific challenges or transitions, such as starting school, toilet training, or visiting the doctor. Not only does it provide information in a clear and accessible way, but it can also remove nervousness around something new.

6. Chewable Jewelry

Oftentimes, children with autism may have oral sensory needs; chewing on objects can provide stimulation and relief. Chewable jewelry provides a safe way for children to do it without damaging other items or their teeth!

7. Weighted Vests or Blankets

Weighted vests or blankets apply gentle pressure to the body, which can be incredibly calming. However, this is not suitable for young children, so it’s important to check if a product is suitable for your child’s age.

8. Resources like Autism 360 is an online service where you can learn about autism in children. It also gives you the tools to work one-on-one with your child in order to create the perfect tools and strategies to support their development.

9. Picture Exchange Communication System

Otherwise known as PECS, this is a visual communication system that uses pictures to help children initiate and participate in non-verbal exchanges.

10. A Visual Timer

A visual timer can be a wonderful tool for helping children with autism understand and manage the passing of time. A visual representation of time passing can help them feel ready for transitions throughout the day and reduce anxiety associated with change.

These ten tools can help a child with autism and play a vital role in empowering children so they can thrive and reach their full potential.

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