National Sons Day – 4th March National Son’s Day 2023: Date, History, Facts, Theme, Celebration Ideas, Images, Wishes, Pics, Quotes, Greetings, Photos, Sayings, Pictures, Text, SMS & Status collection is now available on this website for our valued visitors. Since 2018, every year, National Son’s Day is officially celebrated on 28th September. Many people are confused about the celebration date of National Son’s Day. So, we are updating all the latest information about the super relationship celebration day.
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When is National Son’s Day 2023 in the United States?
The National Son’s Day 2023 Official celebration date is September 28 and also on March 4.
History of National Son’s Day:
The National Sons Day was created by Jill Nico in 2018. She wanted to stress the significance and importance of sons raised by parents and in turn, take care of their parents once they grow old. Jill Nico selected the date of the event as the 4th of March for no apparent reason. But, every year people are confused to celebrate this day. The National Sons Day is celebrated on September 28 every year but some have also been known to celebrate a similar day on March 4 each year. There is also Son and Daughter Day which is celebrated on August 11.
How to celebrate National Sons Day 2023?
Enjoy A Healthy Breakfast
Start the day off right by enjoying a healthy breakfast with your son. Three Bridges Egg Bites is offering a free Egg Bite to provide the healthy start to the day Americans are looking for while easily fitting into their busy schedules.
Stress Gender Equality
Make it clear that what each of you does as a parent is determined by your individual skills, interests, and what works best for the family — not your gender.
Encourage a #metoo conversation
Spend time discussing the recent events surrounding this movement. It’s imperative that boys grow up with a healthy respect for both men and women. Parents — especially dads — need to model this behavior at every opportunity.
Happy National Sons Day 2023 Messages, Quotes, Meme, Images, Pictures, Photos, Pics & Wallpaper:

National Son’s Day Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Greetings, Status & Sayings 2023:
Do I want to be a hero to my son? No. I would like to be a very real human being. That’s hard enough. – Robert Downey, Jr.
Happy Son’s Day 2023! It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. -Friedrich von Schiller
My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad indeed. – Proverbs 23:15 (NIV)
Today I am the happiest man in the world, my son was born and thanks to God for this gift. – Lionel Messi
Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged. – Louisa May Alcott
It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. -Friedrich von Schiller
I smile because you’re my Son; I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it! (Unknown)
By the time a woman realizes her mother is right, she has a Son who thinks she is wrong. (Unknown)
To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a Son. (Euripides)
_I am going to be your adorable mother at all times and you will also be my lovable son without fail.
_I love my son more than anything else on the planet and he provides me with immense joy as well. In more than just a single way, I am immensely grateful to him.
_With every passing day, my love for my son increases by leaps and bounds. You can understand this by saying that twinkling in my eyes.
_I pray for the health of my son and also for his wisdom every single day. May he develop into a sensible and wise man.
_One things I can say for sure that I will love my son more than anyone else on earth to the last day of my life.
_I thank Lord for giving me many beautiful gifts and the most amazing one happens to be my beloved son.
_May Lord protects my son from all evils and adversities in life and may he lead a healthy life as and always.
_My son happens to be awesome and I happen to be the lucky father because I am his father.
_My son will be my baby today, tomorrow, and forever.
_In case you hurt my son, I will not leave you alone. It does not matter whether he is one year or even 50 years old, I will protect him with the best of my abilities.
_My son helps to motivate me in my daily activities and happens to be the beat of my heart.
_Although a son might become big enough to attend college he is still a child in front of his parents.
_Whenever I go my son always remains in my heart. He’s a wonderful young man, loving and daring and kind at heart.
_I would have loved you to see through my eyes so that you would have observed how much I do care for you.
_I am extremely proud to be your adorable mother.
_When the pages of my own life will come to the conclusion, I will come to know that you have become one of the most attractive chapters.
_The gap between me and my son happens to be the most dangerous place on the planet.
_The love for my son is going to last a lifetime.