Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule
Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule! Are you searching Khulna to Dhaka Train Schedule or Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Price, Time-Table, Schedule? There is total 2 Train regular up and down from Dhaka to Khulna. Their name is Sundarban express and Chittra express.
We see, many people are trying to get correct information about the Khulna to Dhaka Train Schedule, but they are not getting this correct information easily. So, the www.technewssources.com try to provide correct information about Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule. So, stay with us and follow the below content.
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Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule:
Train | Off day | From | Departure | To | Arrival |
Sundarban express | Wednesday | Dhaka | 6:20 | Khulna | 16:20 |
Chittra Express | Monday | Dhaka | 19:00 | Khulna | 5:10 |
Khulna to Dhaka Train Schedule:
Train | Off day | From | Departure | To | Arrival |
Sundarban express | Tuesday | Khulna | 19:30 | Dhaka | 5:40 |
Chittra Express | Monday | Khulna | 8:30 | Dhaka | 18:20 |
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