জাতীয় পরিচয় পত্র ডাউনলোড! You are voter but do not get NID number, How to register SIM? (সিম নিবন্ধন করবেন? নিন ৫মিনিটে নিজের জাতীয় পরিচয় পত্র). If you have a slip number you received during your voter registration, you will easily get your NID blubber. You can also download the PDF of your own NID card and you can use all the work.

[View voter information and polling station information by using slip number of NID or Voter Registration Form and birth date below]
If you have received your NID number now you will have to do a little bit to download the entire ID card. From the link below
If you have registered national identity, register for getting online IDs related to national ID card. If you have not registered yet, then click here to apply for registration online.]
After logging in at the end of the registration, the following options will be available from here and you can download it by clicking ‘Identity Reports’.
Information and picture: kalerkantho.com