Happy National Singles Awareness Day 2023 Meme, Images, GIF, Quotes, Funny Pic & Captions
Happy National Singles Awareness Day 2023 Meme, Images, GIF, Quotes, Funny Pic & Captions! The National Singles Awareness Day (also known as S.A.D.) is a humorous celebration day, that is celebrated on February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day. It is a day for people who are not in a romantic relationship to celebrate their independence and recognize the benefits of being single.
The holiday was created as a response to the societal pressure and commercialization of Valentine’s Day, which can make single people feel excluded or inadequate. Singles Awareness Day is a way to flip the script and celebrate the freedom and opportunities that come with being single.
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Happy National Singles Awareness Day Meme, Images, GIF, Quotes, Captions 2023

1). To love oneself is the beginning of journey of love.
2). People land up paying heavily to get love. I pamper myself with my money. Happy being single
3). Happy Valentine’s day to all those who are committed, happy independence day to all singles.
4). Roses are beautiful and chocolates are yummy but, I need to lose weight, no chocolates for me.
5). I am busy spending my Valentine’s day with Ex…box
6). I am celebrating this Valentine’s day with wine and Pizza just the way I love it.
Funny Single anti valentine’s day cards and Awareness Day Quotes
7). Who really cares about Happy Valentine’s day I am happy being single. I find my life fabulous.
8). I will spend my Valentine’s Day with my true love… FOOD.
9). Couples have only one day to celebrate, I have all 365 days for myself.
10). I heard that the journey of true love never did run smooth. So, I didn’t take the chance to go rough. Happy anti valentine’s day!
11). I would like to remind all the unhappy souls today that St Valentine was beaten to death with clubs.
12). Today is Valentine’s Day. I guess the other name for Valentine’s day is Extortion day.
Quotes & Sayings
1. “I love being single. It’s almost like being rich.”— Sue Grafton
2. “There’s no ‘we’ in ‘fries.’”
3. “If being in love is what it means to be free, then this Valentine’s Day my heart is in solitary confinement!
4. “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say, it’s going very well. Like… it’s working out. I think I’m the One!” — Emily Helle
5. “I had every intent of celebrating Valentine’s Day, but when Cupid got around to me it seems he had run out of arrows.”
6. “This year’s Valentine’s Day I will enjoy long, romantic walks to the fridge.”
7. “What do single people call Valentine’s Day? Happy Independence Day”
8. “This fine V-Day, I’m going to spend every single cent I have on my one and only love – me.”
9. “’Happily Single’ is recognizing that you don’t need or want to be rescued from your life by a handsome prince because your life is pretty awesome, as is.” — Mandy Hale
10. “I’m single today because my heart was created to pump blood and not fall in love.”
11. “You are not his princess; you are your own queen.” — Nikita Gill
12. “Today may be Single’s Awareness Day, but chin up. Tomorrow is half-price candy day!”
13. “Cupid called and said he can’t make it over this February 14th as it seems the TSA detained him for carrying what they perceive as suspicious-looking chocolates.”
14. “Can’t wait to receive nothing on Valentine’s Day.”
15. “It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I don’t know what to get myself…”